
Welcome All

This blog is some random observations and stories from my adventures as a uth pazter. I encourage you to engage and enjoy our journey here.

Summer Musings

I have recently taken a new position at a Methodist Church in Costa Mesa, Ca.  This position is a very unique experience for me.  Taking the lead at a new Church can be very challenging and also exciting.  Getting to know new teens can be very fun and it can also be not so fun.  As the Youth guy you are expected to reach out to them but they don't necessarily have to reach out to you. This has been the case in my new position.  I have been the one trying to break down that wall of acceptance.  So far it is hit and miss.  Another issue with a new position is getting to know the politics of the Church.  When you spend time a Church for a number of years you get to know what is acceptable and what isn't.  Starting over you don't know what your pastor will be ok with.

Well my journey at Mesa Verde UMC has been one filled with some ups and some downs.  I started about two months ago and have already been on a mission team trip with 9 of the youth and have already planned out the summer.  We have had a beach day and an overnighter with more on the way.  These two months have been great.  I have met some amazing people who love their teens.  The challenges lie within the awkwardness of being the new guy.  Some people get this and do their best to make you feel at home while others don't get it and think  you should know everything since you are staff.  But at the end of the day you realize you are part of a great family that loves you even if they or you don't get it.

This summer should be a great one.  I am looking forward to some great times and the opportunity to get to know all my teens.


Thoughts for Today

I am always amazed when adults are amazed when youth help out and do something unselfish.  This happened to me this weekend at our celebration banquet.  I had been asked by the committee in charge if we could help serve the meal to the over 100 people that attended.  I said sure and volunteered our youth without asking them, knowing they would of course be on board.  Guess what?  They were totally wanting to help out.  We had over 8 youth help out serving the dinner, one plate at a time to each person.

One teen even helped serve pb&j to some of the mom's who couldn't get up to make them for their kids.  These kids did a great job and served everyone within ten minutes.  This was great and the adults leading were very happy and telling us how amazing it went.  We then had the opportunity to eat in a separate room where it felt like we were having the Last Supper together.  We huddled around the table sharing our thoughts and concerns with one another.  We shared life stories and made fun of each other as only teens can do.  It was a very great moment for me as the teens made me feel like I had been part of their group for years.  When actually I have only been their Youth Director since the beginning of the month.  This moment touched me.

I wasn't prepared for the next encounter.  I was walking around the campus after the event and one of the most amazing people came up to me and said to me how amazed she was at how I had gotten the teens to serve.  She told me that she had not seen the teens serve so willingly before.  I was taken aback.  From my perspective the teens didn't even balk at volunteering when I asked them.  They were actually very excited to be involved.  Of course having our own place to eat instead of in the main dining room probably helped the situation but they really didn't hesitate to help out.  But this adult was very sincere in stating that she felt my leadership had played an important part in their helping out.  I was not prepared to hear those words.  I thanked her for the encouraging words and thanked her for our opportunity to help out.  I also told her it really wasn't me that did anything.  She of course wouldn't hear of it and stood by her guns. 

This experience showed me the power of simple acts of kindness and selflessness.  Those teens didn't do anything spectacular, but to that adult they had.  The little things mean so much and I know I have to remember that in ministry.  It's the helping out the church Administrative Assistant fold bulletins on Fridays.  To her those people are heroes.  They let her have more time doing other things that are a bigger priority to her.  It's coming by the office and leaving cookies so the Pastor and staff can gain a few pounds around the waist eating them.  It's saying good morning to everyone when you walk by them in the morning on Sundays.  Especially when the new Youth Director was visiting for the first time and you said it when he hadn't even stepped out of his car.  These simple little things are amazing heroic stories of amazing love.  

To someone you are doing an amazing job of leadership.  To someone you are showing great mercy and grace.  To someone you are showing loving kindness that they needed to get through the day.  Reciprocity is a word I just learned about in my Ethics class.  This word is a core value of the Christian Worldview.  With out it we are nothing more than a group of people who belong to a country club.  With it we are a culture setting movement bent on a revolution.  The power of reciprocity is beyond any weapon of mass destruction.  It can change civilizations in moments.  Loving your neighbor as yourself is the key to loving God.  With out either one the other can't truly survive.  

Sunday that adult showed me the power of loving your neighbor through a simple act of kindness.  I hadn't done any super leadership trick to get those kids serving, I only asked them.  They are the ones that deserve all the credit, they accepted the challenge and gave their all for a few moments. 

In a few weeks we will depart for Northern California to the Yurok Indian nation to help build houses and repair buildings.  This will be a big act of kindness and I know that these teens will show amazing leadership and love to those that need it most.

Please keep us in prayer as we continue growing our group and as I journey deeper into the love of Jesus and God with these teens. 

My Review of The North Face Recon Pack

Originally submitted at REI

This high-performance technical daypack will take you from summits to everyday work and school commutes.

Amazing Pack

By Uth Paz TB from Buena Park, Ca on 5/14/2010


5out of 5

Gift: No

Pros: Large capacity, Highly Adjustable, Good padding, Easy To Load, Lightweight, Comfortable

Best Uses: Office, Commuting, Backpacking, Youth Group Management, School

Describe Yourself: Casual/ Recreational

What Is Your Gear Style: Comfort Driven

This backpack is amazing. I originally bought it for a carry on for a 3 week Mexico trip so I could hold all my stuff and my son's. My wife has a Jansport she uses for the baby and her so I decided to get this one for me and my son. It is amazing. I now use it for my Youth ministry. I carry my laptop, magic tricks, papers, books, food and everything else in this without ever running out of room. It has gone on every trip I take and just keeps getting better. The different compartments make it great to store everything from pens and pencils to keys, and electronics. I love this bag and was glad I paid a little extra to get a decent and durable bag. My wife is on her second backpack cause she doesn't want to spend over 30 bux but this is well worth it to me. It is also way more comfortable than her cheap daypack.


Armor Core

"So put on God's armor will be able to resist the enemy's attacks; will still hold your ground." Eph 6:13.  This verse was a real inspiration to me this last week.  I had a run in with an attack from the enemy that had me struggling to gain consciousness afterwards.  I had left my armor in it's storage place instead of keeping it on.  It is said that the Samurai would keep their armor on for long periods of time.  This way they would be prepared for the battle at a moments notice.  Over the past week I realized I wasn't prepared for the enemies attack.  Unfortunately it almost cost me dearly.

Do you have times where thing seem to not go the way you are anticipating?  Do you feel like maybe you are missing something and that all the luck in the world is going against you?   Well that is what I felt like last week.  I was unprepared spiritually for a huge attack that caused me to act out in a wrong attitude and counter attack an innocent person.  Luckily this person is a Godly man and was able to show me love.  But I still made a critical error in the battle I was in.  I went in without any armor.  I was defenseless against my foe.

When we walk through life we come across many dark valleys hiding the enemy.  If we go into this valley before we are set with defense measures and some armor to deflect the attack we will be defeated easily.  This week I walked into a dark valley and got trampled by a horde of enemy.  I could have defeated this enemy if I had only been on a state of alert.  Instead I walked into that valley shouting at the top of my voice asking to be attacked.  I let another persons thoughts tear me down and hurt me.  I let in the devil to do his worst on me.  Oh, boy did he ever.

I got a wound that hurt deep and hard and took some amazing love medicine to overcome.  But wonderfully and amazingly I did.  I have magic armor.  This armor heals and protects like none other.  It's power is the most powerful magic around.  It is covered in a hard impenetrable layer of love.  It is then braided with the blood of the Lamb and adorned with  grace and mercy.  Finally it is dipped in forgiveness to bond it all together.  Of course if I had just had it on in the first place I wouldn't have been hurt but my mistake cost me a bit of flesh and blood.

Ephesians tells us to put on the armor of God so we can defend attacks and hold our ground.  I would encourage you to spend time in prayer daily and in the study of God's word daily.  This way when you walk into the many dark valleys of your life you will be like the Samurai and always be ready to defend your faith.

May God richly bless you this week.

Spending time with God in the word and prayer can start simply.  First take five minutes a day for each and then increase every month by five minutes.  This habit will help you to keep God's armor at the ready and in the best shape for any battle.

Keep your armor at your core and you will stand strong in the hour of darkness.

Long Journey

This week has been hard.  I am realizing I haven't had full time employment for almost two years.  March marks the anniversary of when I lost my job.  Over the past two years I have struggled with not being able to find work.  I have applied to at least 300 jobs and all of them I have either gotten the rejection letter or I have never heard back.

I don't know if you are struggling as I am.  But I have been trying to pretend as if everything is ok.  Do you know what I mean.  When people ask you how you are doing you reply: "I am doing good" or " I am great" either answer is a lie though.  I am deeply depressed and feel very overwhelmed with the fear of not having the control over working.  I deeply want a job.  I want to work.  I want to make a contribution to society.  But every time I apply to jobs I am more than qualified for I get no response.

This is very frustrating.  But it is also freeing.  I have been realizing more and more that God is in control of my life, like it or not.  I am slowing giving in to His direction.  I don't like where I am but I need to look at what I do have.  I have the opportunity right now to bond with my children.  I missed out on years of bonding with my first born due to working many hours and running a ministry.  But now I am able to walk him to school and pick him up.  I am able to hang out with my daughter all day long and not worry about missing out on her first steps or first words.

But I am still depressed cause I am not doing what God made me to do...WORK.  I really wish my wife was home to be the mom I know she is.  But right now God has her working and me staying home.  I don't understand it but I have faith that it is what He wants for us right now.  I am still looking for full time work and I won't give up on trying. But I have a better peace when I realized He is the one who needs to have the control, not me.  I gave it up to Him.

Of course I still have depression and feel inadequate but I think God wants us to find that low so we can truly give in to Him.

Jeremiah 29:11 (New International Version)

11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

These verses give me such hope.  I know if I put my trust in Him I will succeed.  Unfortunately my flesh keeps getting in the way and I get depressed.  I feel beat down and I don't want to go on.  But then a little glimmer of light breaks through my darkness and I start to feel better.  God never lets you down.

Well my journey continues and I am still looking for a full time position.  I am praying that God will provide but I also pray that His will be done in my life.  If that means I continue at home and my wife continues to work than I have to accept that.  But I am doing things now that will help me later.  I have recently started school again.  I am working towards finishing my Bachelors degree in Christian Studies.  This has been an uplift and has given me some goals.  I hope you can be encouraged by God's words in Jeremiah.

I hope you see that our misery is only temporary and is really a matter of perspective.  God sees our entire lives and has many exciting things planned for us.  Sometimes we take a detour or two and need to be put back on the track.  That seems to be my life right now.  Please keep us in prayer and we would love to pray for you as well.  Leave a comment about how my family and I can pray for you in your struggles.

God Bless

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